Site design & build

A faster way to develop publication websites
and a new way for publishers to keep their brand fresh.

Information overload

Quality content isn’t enough to attract and retain your online readers. Keeping the attention of visitors who are bombarded with information also requires modern, consumerized websites. Recognizing the challenge of creating “sticky” sites that inspire return visits, Atypon developed UX 3.0, a unified design system for building successful publication websites.

Better sites, shorter build times

UX 3.0 excludes unnecessary information, eliminates visual clutter, simplifies navigation, and enhances search. Smart widgets enforce design principles for the same kind of consumer-grade user experience that your readers find on the websites they visit daily. And fully mobile-ready, responsive websites provide an optimal reading experience on any device.

UX 3.0’s component-based site construction and library of design themes accelerate build times. Well-documented styles keep your unique branding consistent across your entire site and ensure that it won’t degrade over time. And our re-engineered design and development process and workflows result in higher-quality websites with fewer bugs.

Maintain and update: Atypon Page Builder

Atypon Page Builder, the platform’s easy-to-use, drag-and-drop UI and UX design tool, is used first by Atypon engineers to build your site and then by your organization to maintain and update it, ensuring seamless integration between site creation and site management.

Real-time control of your website

Together, UX 3.0 and Atypon Page Builder give you real-time control over your website’s content, look, and feel. But they go beyond enabling non-technical users to modify your site’s interface. You can also quickly and easily produce new landing pages and even entire websites to promote new products and events or to respond to breaking news or industry developments.

Changes that used to take days or even months to implement are now instantaneous. Atypon Page Builder will support our content strategy for years to come.— John Pescatore Director of Publishing, Academy of Management

UX 3.0 was created by the Atypon Design Studio. It is powered by Atypon Page Builder, the platform’s drag-and-drop UI and UX design tool.

Our technologies are designed specifically for publishers.

Let’s talk about how to move your business in a new direction.