Regulatory & standards compliance


Whatever the future holds, however standards change, we keep you up to speed. Because Atypon maintains a unified codebase across all Atypon Experience Platform websites, all of our customers automatically benefit from every implementation of new and evolving industry standards and regulations, as well as SEO upgrades.

Atypon is a member of NISO, which is dedicated to developing solutions for information creation, discovery, and distribution through standards. We participate in—and lead—industry-defining working groups involved in the ongoing development and maintenance of standards such as the JATS, BITS, and NISO STS DTDs, as well as recommendations for the scholarly industry.


Atypon takes care of updates to accessibility, standards, security protocols, and SEO, which frees up my time to focus on how to differentiate my content. — Wayne GravesAssociation for Computing Machinery

Find out how to grow your online business.

Let’s discuss the platform and technologies for launching a successful publication website.