ReX Submission, short for Research Exchange, is an intelligent article submission system that makes editorial operations more efficient and authors happier. It’s the result of completely rethinking the traditional publication submission workflow — and optimizing it for the benefit of authors and publishers.
A typical ReX Submission article submission takes 15-20 minutes, compared with hours on a traditional submission system.
How It Works
ReX Submission connects to a publisher’s existing manuscript tracking system (e.g. ScholarOne Manuscripts) to replace and improve the authors’ submission and revision experience. The system
- incorporates your publications’ branding for a seamless author experience
- uses machine learning algorithms to automatically extract key submission information from manuscript files
- allows authors to add information by simply confirming what is in their manuscript — no more rekeying or copying and pasting
- automatically extracts metadata, which improves submission quality and reduces the need for manual editorial checks
- automatically exports manuscripts to the publisher’s manuscript tracking system where editorial and peer review work proceeds normally
- optionally provides simultaneous submission deposits to preprint servers like Authorea and TechRxiv
ReX Submission’s Near-Future Roadmap
- The Submission Screening Report, a new report that uses machine learning to help editors quickly assess how closely a submitted manuscript matches the journal’s scope
- Revision Status Sync, which helps keep systems aligned and the editorial office up to date by notifying the peer-review system when a revision request is in progress within ReX
- Independent access for Co-Authors so that they can check the status of submissions and review the associated information
- The Integration Test Tool, which allows ReX admins to check compatibility of Article Types and Custom Questions between ReX and ScholarOne