Atypon Renews Support for the MathJax Project

April 25, 2016

SANTA CLARA, CA— April 25, 2016— The core of the MathJax project is the development of its state-of-the-art, open source, JavaScript platform for display of mathematics. The MathJax Consortium is a joint venture of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) to advance mathematical and scientific content on the web.

“Dedicated sponsors like Atypon help ensure the long-term development of MathJax”, comments Peter Krautzberger, MathJax manager. “Thanks to the feedback from Atypon’s team we can keep MathJax the robust and high-quality rendering solution it is today.”

“We are proud to be an ongoing MathJax project supporter,” said Georgios Papadopoulos, Atypon’s CEO and founder. ”The project’s contributions to scholarly digital publishing have been integral.”

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