How can we help you?

Atypon Experience Platform is engineered for publishers—whatever content you publish, and whatever role you play in its publication.

Whatever content you publish


Scholarly & academic publishing

Atypon has been in online scholarly publishing for over 25 years.
That has given us time to get to know what you need from your publishing platform.


Professional & standards publishing

All professionals need to stay up to date with mission-critical information in their field.
Atypon can help you keep them in the know.


Content delivery for government agencies

Atypon is a US government contractor with a range of content delivery services and capabilities
for federal as well as state agencies.

Whatever your role


Automated technologies and easy-to-use tools free you from managing rote operational tasks so you can focus on your content.

  • Unprecedented control over your content and site design
  • Publish content in nearly any language and any alphabet
  • Accurately display complex mathematical equations, chemistry formulas, computer code, and other discipline-specific notation systems
  • Full support for MathML and MathJax


Meet your deadlines and stay on budget with a stable platform, reliable websites, and an intuitive backend.

  • 24/7 system availability
  • Automated file conversion
  • Fast content uploads and new title launches
  • The HTML we render is nearly perfect, meaning intervention is rarely required
  • Bidirectional linking maintains relationships between all versions of the same content
  • Easy integrations with other systems

Website management and design

Every change to your site can just as easily be rolled out to a single site, a group of sites, or all of your sites simultaneously.

  • Built-in design and branding conventions
  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop widgets
  • Responsive and mobile-ready

Sales & Marketing

A native behavioral marketing module, analytics that cover all aspects of user engagement, and unlimited and fully customizable sales and subscription models have got you covered.

  • Automated content recommendations—across all content types
  • Targeted ads and offers, onsite and off
  • Built-in search optimization and discoverability features
  • Easy-to-generate analytics that can be shared with colleagues from within the platform
  • Straightforward integrations with customer relationship management systems, ad servers, marketing automation systems, and other marketing-specific third-party technologies
  • Frictionless eCommerce that fosters onsite sales
  • Built-in brand integrity management design tools

IT & platform management

Confidence in your platform and your platform provider means freedom to concentrate on technology plans instead of your infrastructure’s performance.

  • GDPR compliant
  • Accessible and 508 compliant
  • Mobile-ready and responsive
  • Secure via HTTP2/HTTPS protocols
  • Up to date with publishing industry standards


Evaluate the true costs of your current platform by factoring in the revenue opportunities you’ve missed because potential customers’ preferred business models couldn’t be supported. It may be time to consider an alternative.

Revenue generation
  • Unlimited sales and subscription models
  • Personalized content that deepens engagement and fosters sales
  • Consumerized websites that increase traffic and extend site visits
  • Rapid new product development tools
  • Annualized income from repurposed content
  • Frictionless eCommerce that improves and propels onsite sales
  • Native ads that aren’t suppressed by ad-blocking software
Cost reduction
  • New feature development is rolled out to all Atypon clients, so you spend less on customization while getting more capabilities.
  • A SaaS subscription that includes continual maintenance and monthly minor releases.
  • Automation replaces rote process management tasks, freeing your staff to focus on content and marketing opportunities.
Risk reduction
  • Platform scalability makes budgeting more predictable—business growth doesn’t require a growing staff.
  • Platform reliability reduces the number of support calls you receive from your customers.
  • Built-in security, accessibility standards, and GDPR data protection compliance.
  • Atypon Experience Platform is the industry’s most widely used platform from the industry’s most trusted and largest platform provider.
The Atypon team’s attitude and professionalism are exemplary. It’s great to work with people who are so positive and proactive. It makes for a fantastic working environment. — Gerard O’Malley Manager, Online Journals, SAGE

Take the next step.