People of Atypon:
Catching up with Dina Abulfailat

May 30, 2023

Dina Abulfailat is the Product Manager for Digital Objects. We interviewed Dina just over a year ago, and this month we caught up with her again to see what’s changed.

Stopwatch with the hand at 2Fast Facts: Dina joined the Atypon team 6 years ago and works out of our Amman, Jordan, office. Her favorite travel destinations are near the sea, and she recommends the Red Sea, where you might meet a friendly octopus while snorkeling near the beach.


A scuba diver (Dina) explores a coral reef. A bright yellow, black, and white fish is visible in the foregroundSince our last conversation in April 2022, Dina’s team has released some significant updates to Digital Objects, including optimized web feed support to improve the discoverability of Digital Objects content, support for marking Digital Objects exam questions as “expired” to eliminate them from future exams, and new relation types to expand how Digital Objects can be related to each other and to articles, book chapters, and so on.

The update Dina’s most excited about is a project to enhance the user experience for the Digital Object Editor—the tool our customers use to create, edit, and manage their Digital Objects content. Dina’s team is conducting research to better understand how customers use the DO Editor and make that experience better.

You can help by filling out the Digital Objects survey!

Other exciting developments on the horizon include topic alerts for Digital Objects and a redesigned DO Editor tool.

In September 2022 Dina attended the first in-person Atypon Community Meeting, where she met some international colleagues, gave a talk on Digital Objects, and—best of all—met customers who use Digital Objects and shared their experiences with her. “This was really beneficial,” she told us, “because it helped me understand their needs and gave me insight into how we can improve their business.”

Dina, a young Jordanian woman with shoulder-length black hair, smiles at the camera. She's wearing a white top and looks happy to be here.Just one month later came the official launch of Wiley Partner Solutions. Has working within Partner Solutions changed anything for Dina? Being part of this global and inclusive partnership focused on providing scalable solutions for researchers, societies, publishers, and libraries, she says, has helped her develop a new perspective and a new vision for Digital Objects. She’s looking forward to even more collaborations with other teams to make Digital Objects a better product.

One more development we’re excited about since April 2022 is the Digital Objects community group! This group gives Literatum publishers space to share their creative uses of Digital Objects, problem-solve as a group with Dina’s support, and discuss areas for improvement and new initiatives on the horizon.

If you’re using Digital Objects on your Literatum site (or aren’t yet, but want to know more), we hope you’ll join the conversation!

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