Atypon Community Meeting: Meet our community speakers!

Join us on December 1 & 2!

2:00 pm – 5:00 pm UK
9:00 am – 12:00 pm ET

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November 23, 2021

At the December Community Meeting we’ll hear from a dozen invited speakers and moderators representing 11 organizations, in addition to the client leaders of our Community Interest Groups. We’re grateful to all our speakers for sharing their time, expertise, and enthusiasm with us!

Day 1 | Session #3

Reports from Atypon Community Interest Groups: our client leaders update the wider community on the topics that are front of mind for their group. We’ll hear from Maxine Aldred (ASCE), Michael Donaldson (Canadian Science Publishing), Joann Fogleson (ASCE), Gauri Govil (NEJM), Jennie Pajerowski (AAAS), and Christina Rudyj (Health Affairs).

Day 1 | Session #4

Publishing accessible content: Practical ways to move the needle features three panelists doing hands-on and strategic accessibility work at their own organizations. Nina Amato is Lead User Experience Designer at the American Chemical Society, where she conducts research, creates evidence-based UX deliverables, and designs products and experiences to serve the ACS audience. Lorenzo Milani is Associate UX Specialist at SAGE, where he specializes in accessibility, discovery, and analytics. Damita Snow is Senior Manager for Publishing Technologies at the American Society of Civil Engineers, a long-time accessibility specialist and advocate, and a co-chair of SSP’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.

For full speaker bios, see our Community Meeting agenda page!

Day 2 | Session #1

We’ll ask the question, What technical infrastructure do publishers need to scale Open Access? and hear from panelists at organizations in various stages of the transition to open access, sharing their experiences and lessons learned. Michael Donaldson is Open Access Specialist at Canadian Science Publishing. Melissa Junior is Senior Director, Journals, at the American Society for Microbiology, where she is responsible for a portfolio of 16 journal titles. Bernd Pulverer is Head of Scientific Publications at EMBO and a member of the advisory boards of bioRxiv, Review Commons, and ASM publications. This panel is moderated by Jennifer Kemp, Head of Partnerships at Crossref.

Day 2 | Session #2

In Making headway on DE&I: Putting intentions into practice, we’ll hear from Steph Pollock, Associate Publisher, Community Initiatives, at the American Psychological Association, a co-author of the C4DISC Antiracism Toolkit for Organizations, project lead for APA Publishing’s EDI Toolkit for Journal Editors, and a member of SSP’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Her co-panelist is Helen Talbot, Systems Support Manager at Taylor & Francis Group.

Day 2 | Session #3

In The new author experience, we’ll get an inside look at the planning, development, and implementation of an improved author experience from Dawn Melley, Senior Director, Publishing Operations at IEEE; Julie Nash, Senior Director, J&J Partnership Development, at Wiley, will share opportunities for publishers and societies to benefit their bottom line from improved author experiences, from her work at J&J Editorial.

For full speaker bios, see our Community Meeting agenda page!

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